Getting Started

A personal note.

I never thought of myself as a gardener.  Gardening only became a love of mine after moving to California.  Everything grows here!  Even in San Francisco, I would get a pretty good season of tomatoes off of one plant on a balcony.    I fell in love with all the community garden spaces hidden throughout the city and volunteered at a few of them in my own neighborhood in Hayes Valley.  I moved to Mountain View two years ago and can’t believe that I can grow food year round.  The climate is perfect.   

So I have been trying all sorts of different edibles over the past couple of years at first on my mostly shaded balcony in an apartment and now in any sunny spot I have in the tiny backyard of our rental.   Some plants thrive, some fail, but I am definitely hooked. There is something incredibly powerful about the feeling of a dinner made from produce grown at home.  Then there is my young daughter and the feeling it gives me when she picks a ripe strawberry and proudly shows it to me as she pops it into her mouth.  I think of all the different vegetables she is more willing to try when she picks it off the plant rather than on her dinner plate.  Finally, I have always been very interested in herbs and their culinary, therapeutic and cosmetic uses.  I feel like the more I discover and explore about gardening, the more there is to learn, and as a researcher by profession, I do enjoy the trial and error nature that is gardening.  

Mountain View Spring Parade

We had a wonderful time at the spring parade. Thanks to everyone who came by to support us and make this event a super success. Here are some pictures 

Kids planting snap peas in little containers made from toilet paper roll inserts.
Kids planting snap peas in little containers made from toilet paper roll inserts.

At the Mountain View Spring Parade this Saturday, April 26th

So, check out our booth at the Mountain View Spring Parade this Saturday, the 26th between 12  – 3 pm.  We will be set up at the end of the parade in Pioneer Park. Come by for some fun activity for the kiddos (they get to plant – so much fun) and we would love to meet you and tell you all about the project.

Urban Garden Towers

I recently was walking to the park with my 3 year old when I noticed a very interesting tower of plants on a neighbors porch that had all kinds of food growing on it. It had lots of different Shard and Salad Leaves. Every day I passed by I hoped I would meet the people who were doing something so awesome. I did today. So basically they are PVC pipes and they use aero dynamics to grow and nourish the plants. All you do is fill water, check the PH and add nutrition and voila you have food (with no soil – just air and water) WOW.   The towers looked like this..


“If kids grow kale, kids eat kale.  If they grow tomatoes, they eat tomatoes.”  -Ron Finley

“If you eat, you’re in!”  -Todmorden Community Group.  Their vision is “building a kinder future”