Peaches, Peaches, Peaches …..

We recently moved to a new house and I inherited some fruit trees – peaches, figs and pears. I am so lucky.  Once I saw the green peaches, I needed to figure out when to pick them. What I’ve learnt is that you need to pick peaches when they are yellow and red and smell oh so sweet.

They will not ripen off the tree if you pick them green (learnt the hard way). Also keep your eye out and once you see a bunch of peaches half eaten around you will know you need to get ready and grab them before someone else(squirrels, neighbors :)) does.

What do I do with so many peaches ?  Cook them of course.

Here is a recipe for some peach, banana and oatmeal bread (no sugar added) which is super easy to make not to mention delicious.. Stay tuned for more recipes – peach popsicles, pork chops with a peach sauce, peach jam, peach cobbler, grilled peaches …. If you think of something great please let me know.

Peach, Banana and Oatmeal Bread
Peach, Banana and Oatmeal Bread

Peach, Banana and Oatmeal Bread


11/4 cup all-purpose flour                                                                                                  

1/2 tsp salt                                                                                                                                    

1/2 tsp baking soda                                                                                                                      

1/4 tsp baking powder                                                                                                                      

3 tsp canola oil                                                                                                                                      1

1 cup old fashioned oats                                                                                                                          

2 eggs beaten                                                                                                                                        

2 ripe bananas                                                                                                                                          

2 ripe peaches

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray a loaf pan with cooking spray. 

In a bowl stir together the dry ingredients – flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder. Add oil and eggs and mix well.

Mash the bananas and peaches together using a blender.

Add the pureed banana and peaches to the batter along with the oats and mix. Pour in the loaf pan and bake for 45-55 mms (or till cake springs back up when you press it). Allow to cool in pan for 10mns. Using a spatula looses the cake from the pan and allow cake to cool on a wire rack for 10 mns

Note: I will try it with whole wheat flour next time.






Mountain View Spring Parade

We had a wonderful time at the spring parade. Thanks to everyone who came by to support us and make this event a super success. Here are some pictures 

Kids planting snap peas in little containers made from toilet paper roll inserts.
Kids planting snap peas in little containers made from toilet paper roll inserts.

At the Mountain View Spring Parade this Saturday, April 26th

So, check out our booth at the Mountain View Spring Parade this Saturday, the 26th between 12  – 3 pm.  We will be set up at the end of the parade in Pioneer Park. Come by for some fun activity for the kiddos (they get to plant – so much fun) and we would love to meet you and tell you all about the project.

Urban Garden Towers

I recently was walking to the park with my 3 year old when I noticed a very interesting tower of plants on a neighbors porch that had all kinds of food growing on it. It had lots of different Shard and Salad Leaves. Every day I passed by I hoped I would meet the people who were doing something so awesome. I did today. So basically they are PVC pipes and they use aero dynamics to grow and nourish the plants. All you do is fill water, check the PH and add nutrition and voila you have food (with no soil – just air and water) WOW.   The towers looked like this..


“If kids grow kale, kids eat kale.  If they grow tomatoes, they eat tomatoes.”  -Ron Finley

“If you eat, you’re in!”  -Todmorden Community Group.  Their vision is “building a kinder future”